Tuesday 29 April 2014

devils and witches chaser

Witches are many in this days, not in Africa but even in all continentals, human beings are worshiping devils mainly the leader of devil by scriptures known as Lucifer or Iblis.

Due to jealousy and envy in the heart of some people tend to make a contract with devils by doing evil sacrifice like killing animals for devils in brutal way, killing their relatives, doing sex with animals, sex with their son or daughter so that to make devils to be happy and to go against one God the creator of every thing, once devils are happy for this evils acts being done by magician people the devils will be the friend of a witch/magician and the magician will have extra power like flying by the aid of devils, entering in the house during night to any one without opening the door or without being seen.

This power can be destroyed by some herbs in form of oil and powder, you rub on your body before sleeping and other oil you display in your house especially on corners, windows, doors and around your house.

Some herbs you smoke on fire to chase all negative energies in your house or area you feel not confortable or abandoned house if is yours and you ran away because of frightening situation.

If you magic in your body you take herbs to remove immediately so that you can be out of this harmful spells.

Contacts: send text or email please we will advice if any advice needed

Email: tibaherbs@gmail.com 


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